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Twisted Path


9 people
72 hours
Game jam


  Twisted Path is a cool little game that my team and I have done in three days during a game jam on the Oculus Rift for the head tracking and with the Razer Hydra as the hand tracking device. We were a pretty big team for a three days game : three developers and six game designers, but we managed to keep everyone busy and kept a good communication during the development, so we were able to do a lot of stuff in this short  amount of time.

Issues & Solutions

    Even if I worked with a really great team, we had some annoying technical issues with the Oculus Rift : we couldn't use it with any of the laptops that we had (surprising for me because I could run the HTC Vive correctly). As a solution, we had to share a unique pc with another group, which constrained us to plan testing sessions in advance in order to use our "Oculus time" as efficiently as possible. We also used some debug tricks to bypass the lack of VR device, and to make the features usable with mouse, keyboard and editor. Even if it was not the first time I was solving this kind of problems, it was still a big constraint, and we lost some precious hours because of these.


    Anyway, it was a game jam, and a game jam with no problems is not fun, and finally the result is here so I'm really proud of what we could do in three days!


   Now, we think we can do more with this concept, so we are still working to improve this game to something bigger. We actually ported it on the HTC Vive to use the room scale, and we are working on a bigger world with the player ability to move between puzzles.


   To help the game designers in their puzzle creation task, I made a graph editor tool based on the one from that project, featuring node addition, removal, selection, action cancellation, snapping... You can see a example of the node edition bellow :


It's Benjamin.

    Thanks for looking at my website! I hope you liked my projects so far! I've done a lot of different things, and I used some cool stuff that you could try in your own projects. Don't hesitate to wander a little in the project pages!


    If you have anything to ask me about or if you have some ideas to share, please do, I love chatting about technical stuff ;-) .

A Job?

A Question?

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