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Two Gameplays


5 people
4 weeks


  Drown'em was originally a normal school project in collaboration with game designers, with a scope of "make a full little game with simple gameplay in 2 weeks" (4 weeks in work-study internship). So we started, we prototyped the concept with keyboard-mouse controllers, and thought that it could be pretty cool in VR... Well... Why not? So we did the game in VR too!

   I'm really proud of the final result, but there are so many things that could have gone wrong in the "Let's make the game VR!" statement. We were aware of that, but nearly went too far in our ambitions. Hopefully, it was just "near", and this ambition let us to do nearly a second game to fully use the VR device. The result is not perfect, but I'm very proud of what five students in work-study internship could do in 4 weeks!


It's Benjamin.

    Thanks for looking at my website! I hope you liked my projects so far! I've done a lot of different things, and I used some cool stuff that you could try in your own projects. Don't hesitate to wander a little in the project pages!


    If you have anything to ask me about or if you have some ideas to share, please do, I love chatting about technical stuff ;-) .

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