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OpenGL PBR Rendering Engine


5 people
72 hours
Game jam


   Kuru Myst was the game made on the first game jam I ever did. The team was composed by two game/level designers, one sound designer, one artist, and me as a developer.


    The game jam was the Ludum Dare 35, a three days long game jam, but because the jam was from saturday to monday, we really worked in the jam mood during two days because we were working on monday.


    The game is based on Kuru Kuru Kururin, a cool Gamecube game where you have a main character in constant rotation that have to avoid the walls. We added to this base concept a bigger world and some transformations to diversify the gameplay.


   We decided to continue the project after the jam, mainly to rework the level design that was too hard.

This is the terrain editor that I made to help the level designer in his task :

   It's a custom Unity editor in witch you can place, delete, insert or move points, and have a snap by pressing ctrl. You can also make the terrain loop, and every actions support undo/redo. The editor will automatically form the mesh and the colliders for the terrain on each change.



It's Benjamin.

    Thanks for looking at my website! I hope you liked my projects so far! I've done a lot of different things, and I used some cool stuff that you could try in your own projects. Don't hesitate to wander a little in the project pages!


    If you have anything to ask me about or if you have some ideas to share, please do, I love chatting about technical stuff ;-) .

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