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STR-like Unit Controls


2 people
1 week
Tech proto


  This is a STR-like unit selection/movement prototype that we made on Unity, featuring chocobos, just because they are awesome. I did all the pathfinding part, while the other dev worked on the formations.

   In this proto, I had to deal a lot with performances, and worked on the data to optimise the C# garbage collection while the different search algorithms were running. I also used different algorithms to win some computation time, and to smooth out the behaviour of the units, when clicking on unreachable locations for example, making it more natural for the user.


It's Benjamin.

    Thanks for looking at my website! I hope you liked my projects so far! I've done a lot of different things, and I used some cool stuff that you could try in your own projects. Don't hesitate to wander a little in the project pages!


    If you have anything to ask me about or if you have some ideas to share, please do, I love chatting about technical stuff ;-) .

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