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Rendering Engine




   This rendering engine is my preferred project so far. This is a project that made me forget about the night to have good lights, one that made me look at the most beautiful things of the world, asking myself how I could reproduce it in my virtual one... Pretty disturbing...


   This was a project that I started for my personal use, to train myself on the last rendering techniques, initially on OpenGL, but now on Gnm (PS4) too.


   This project is still in progress, so if you see some unshaded splines running between PBR shaded objects, that's normal! I've a lot to do to improve everything, but I'm on it, evening after evening, week-end after week-end! I'm all self-taught and enthusiast on this one, so if you have anything to share with me on rendering stuff, I would be really happy to chat!


    As I'm constantly adding new improvements on the engine, the page is split on updates, from the newest to the latest.

PS4 Update

  I am currently working on a PS4 port for the engine. Currently, I just need to finish the normal maps to get the same rendering than the PBR Update version of the engine.

Open World Update

    In this update, I improved the existing rendering, notably adding shadows on the scene, but the most important improvement was the addition of a terrain and an ocean, both with hardware tessellation.


    The water rendering is made from the paper of Jerry Tessendorf "Simulating Ocean Water" published in 2011. The algorithm computes the Philips spectrum to produce the waves displacement informations for the current frame in the frequency space, then transforms them into the time space using an IFFT algorithm to get the final displacement map. For the rendering part, I simply used a Fresnel and a cubemap reflection to have a simple but nice looking water.

Base Update

     The first update of my rendering engine : a PBR scene rendering, with per objects properties that the user can modify and save in real time.

  Everything came from this blender scene, converted into a FBX, loaded with Assimp :


It's Benjamin.

    Thanks for looking at my website! I hope you liked my projects so far! I've done a lot of different things, and I used some cool stuff that you could try in your own projects. Don't hesitate to wander a little in the project pages!


    If you have anything to ask me about or if you have some ideas to share, please do, I love chatting about technical stuff ;-) .

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