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7 people
4 days
Game jam


   City Blok is a VR game developed during a game jam organized by my school. We were 7 people in this team : 2 artists, 2 game designers, 2 programmers, and a sound designer.


   We worked on the HTC Vive, the third game with this headset for me, so I was not lost, and we could develop the game efficiently. Still, we had a lot of work to do, so we finished just in time, and I wish we could polish everything a little bit more, making the gameplay less repetitive. Yet, basically, it was really nice to work on this game with this team!

Issues & Solutions

   As you can see in the video, the game is based on the possibility to block the hits of the opponent, so the enemy animations were primordial, and we had some issues integrating them precisely, cancelling them at the very time the player blocks the hit, but we managed to make it work, removing some transitions between animations, making the game more dynamic.


  Finally, I like the result : players liked the game, and I'm really proud of this gangsta ambiance we could achieve!

City Blok


It's Benjamin.

    Thanks for looking at my website! I hope you liked my projects so far! I've done a lot of different things, and I used some cool stuff that you could try in your own projects. Don't hesitate to wander a little in the project pages!


    If you have anything to ask me about or if you have some ideas to share, please do, I love chatting about technical stuff ;-) .

A Job?

A Question?

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